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 [43] 영화 "불멸의 연인"
Immortal Beloved (1994)
음악영화, 전기영화 / 영국, 미국
감독: 버나드 로즈[영화정보 더보기]
출연: 게리 올드만, 제로엔 크라베, 발레리아 골리노, 마르코 호프슈나이더, 이사벨라 로셀리니, 조안나 테르 스티게[등록: 2018년 6월 26일]
다운로드총 재생시간 02:17:55189.4MB
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음악이 주가되는 영화 이야기 17
출연진: Abyss, 김편집장
03:51 감독 및 배우
15:58 줄거리
1:25:59 영화와 실제의 차이
1:30:09 누가 불멸의 연인인가
1:35:20 칼 판 베토벤
1:37:08 리뷰
1:41:31 토론

명대사: Music is... a dreadful thing. What is it? I don't understand it. What does it mean?

Anton Felix Schindler: It - it exalts the soul.

Ludwig van Beethoven: Utter nonsense. If you hear a marching band, is your soul exalted? No, you march. If you hear a waltz, you dance. If you hear a mass, you take communion. It is the power of music to carry one directly into the mental state of the composer. The listener has no choice. It is like hypnotism. So, now... What was in my mind when I wrote this? Hmm? A man is trying to reach his lover. His carriage has broken down in the rain. The wheels stuck in the mud. She will only wait so long. This... is the sound of his agitation. "This is how it is... ," the music is saying. "Not how you are used to being. Not how you are used to thinking. But like this."

18/07/12 18:07
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